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ok lets get the elephant out of the room first, which to go for Console or a Computer? The argument of which is better has been around with each side raising a valuable opinion but to throw our coin into the pound do your self a favor and save for a computer! do not cheap out!

Pros Pros and a Con

When some ask for which gaming device wont break the bank people will never tell you a computer for a good reason that being a good pc(Computer) cost WAY more than the average console! but if thats the case why do we recommend getting a PC still? well lets break it down mathematically for all those number fanatics!

A Playstation 5 (Ps5) cost $500 + tax so about $550 give or take, an xbox series x is roughly the same price and then a PC comes in with a staggering $1800 just for a solid rig! when comparing these prices it would be a no brainer to got for the playstation or the xbox but that isn’t the entire story now is it?

you start with a base line budget of $2000 and compare it to a Playstation users to a PC user,The Playstation user is knocked down to $1450 and the PC user is down in the dumps at $200

majority of games on a playstation costs roughly $30 to $60 for each game and then on top of this they can not play games unless they pay a monthly subscription that gives access to online play, so for 5 games lets say you spend $180 for those 5 games and you pay the $10-$20 monthly fee

And It Trickles Down.

lets look how the PC users is holding up, The PC user has access now to Steam, epic games launcher for completely free but not only do they have access to two of the largest game libraries but also to play online they are not restricted to paying a monthly fee so they have lets say 10 games for free and they had to pay the price of nothing

As the months turn to years the person who purchased the Computer will turn out to save much more money than the Console user, That is why we highly recommend you for starters to get a Personal computer over a Console.

Gamers are just Games

At the end of the day however this is just advice for the first step in your possibly marathon of going through your life getting deeper and deeper into games!

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